Khārijite Abū Muḥammad Al-Maqdisī: Takfīr of Shaykh ʿAbd Al-ʿAzīz Ibn Bāz and Shaykh Muḥammad Bin Ṣāliḥ Bin ʿUthaymīnPosted by Abu Iyaad on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 and filed under Takfīr (Excommunication) |
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Abū Muḥammad al-Maqdisī was asked, “Do you make takfīr of Ibn Bāz and Ibn ʿUthaymīn”, and he responded:
I leave delving into the disbelief of these specific people from the perspective of the statement of the Prophet (ﷺ), ‘Leave him, lest the people say that Muḥammad kills his companions’. Today the people find approval in making takfīr of the tāghūts, their military and their armies. And we are preoccupied in that away from turning to these shaykhs (with takfīr). So I see that one should not be preoccupied with that in this phase. It is sufficient for me to warn the youth from their books, their misguided fatwas in the fields of politics, pledge of allegiance, leadership, and the ṭaghūts (leaders), their armies and supporters. I ask Allāh to guide them, but if they persist in their misguidance, they all fall together.
Source: Liqā Maʿa Majallat al-Aṣr al-Iliktrūniyyah (p.17) through al-Qiṣṣah al-Kāmilah of Ibrāhīm bin Ṣāliḥ al-Ḥamīd (p. 226) and it is available published online on numerous blogs.
In this statement al-Maqdisī revealed that he conceals in his heart, the takfīr of Ibn Bāz and Ibn Uthaymīn (rahimahumallāh). He gave a very, crafty diplomatic answer and did not answer directly, the simple question posed. He stated that he does not wish preoccupation with this matter at this time as he is engaged in spreading takfīr of the rulers and their armies which the youth are beginning to accept. In other words, he fears that if he spreads takfīr of these scholars at this point in time, it may derail his takfīr of the rulers, as this may not be acceptable to a large segment of his intended audience. If however, takfīr of the rulers can be promoted until it is widespread and taken as a given fundamental, takfīr of these scholars will naturally follow and the people will have been sufficiently indoctrinated to accept this judgement regarding the leading Salafi scholars.
Takfīr (Excommunication) |
Ḥākimiyyah (Lawgiving) |
Khurūj (Revolution) |
Walaʾ & Barāʾ (Loyalty and Disownment) |
Jihād (War) |
Imāmah & Khilāfah (Leadership & State) |
Irhāb (Terrorism) & Plunder |