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Why the Salaf Made Tabdīʿ of al-Ḥasan bin Ṣāliḥ bin Ḥayy, Reviled Him and Abandoned Him: Because He Merely Held the Opinion of the Permissibility of Khurūj Against Oppressive Rulers

Posted by Abu Iyaad on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 and filed under Khurūj (Revolution)

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Imām al-Ẓahabī mentions the biography of al-Ḥasan bin Ṣāliḥ bin Hayy (d. 169H) in al-Siyar (7/361-371) and Ibn Hajar in al-Tahdhīb (2/285-289), and he used to be an Imām in ḥadīth, a ḥāfiẓ, a narrator, upright, reliable, trustworthy. He was praised very highly by the scholars of his time. He also had extreme piety and would spend the entire night in worship. However, he harboured the view of the permissibility of rebelling against the sinful, oppressive ruler and so the Salaf made tabdīʿ of him, vilified him, abandoned his narrations and accused him of dissimulation in worship and considered him a misguided innovator, for whom not being born at all would have been better.

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