Abū Muḥammad al-Maqdisī ʿIṣām al-Barqāwī is a chief ideological instigator of extremism and terrorism and one of the main inspirations behind al-Qaeda and ISIS takfīrī, jihādī ideology. His anterior hides behind the label of ‘Salafī-Jihādist’. Meanwhile, his posterior excretes Khārijite ideology, which includes takfīr on account of what does not amount to sin let alone what amounts to sin. His easily identified core Khārijite concepts are derived through the writings of Quṭb and al-Mawdūdī (see
here, and
here) and are similar to those of the Khārijites of old in focusing around issues of taḥkīm, ḥākimiyyah and khurūj as quintessential elements of faith. In his works and writings, he makes takfīr of all contemporary Muslim rulers and governments, their army and police divisions and any subsidiary institutions, as well as scholars and employees who actively support them. He considers their removal from the greatest of religious obligations, without which the foundation of Islām, Īmān and Tawḥīd cannot be established. This core doctrine forces him to concur with the sects of the Khārijites of old in their subsidiary doctrines and oppressive judgements, save that he denies it with his tongue and pen. Agreeing with the Khārijites in substance, he plays word-games with labels and titles to camouflage his corrupt merchandise.
The Khārijite renegade and ideological terrorist, Abū Mūhammad ʿĀṣim al-Barqāwī al-Maqdisī - demonstrating the extent to which he wallows in the doctrine of the Khārijites claims that raising the flags of Muslim nation states is from the mukaffirāt (what expels from Islām).
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